Supporting the development of Manu Scripts Publishing Entity
Manu Scriptsis an innovative new publishing entity based in Ōtepoti (Dunedin), Aotearoa.
The project is a collaboration between Irene Karongo Hundleby, Louise Kewene-Doig and Mary McLaughlin, who are all respected writers and creatives in their individual spaces.
We have come together to form the Manu Scripts entity because we have a shared love of storytelling and a commitment to shining a light on diverse, empowering narratives. As a project team, we have strong (and complementary) skill sets, networks and connections.
Our aim is to create collective benefit now and into the future. Our publishing will benefit Māori and Pasifika communities, the wider Ōtepoti community, local groups and organisations, researchers and historians, and those with an interest in grassroots activism and community building.
In 2022-2023, with the support of WōW funding (Working for Ōtepoti Women), Manu Scripts is focused on creating a formal entity, developing strategic plans, building relationships and networks to ensure long term success.
The Māori and Pasifika Education Trust is delighted to collaboratively work with Manu Scripts as they develop their foundations.