Korowai (cloak) is decorated with both traditional and European materials. The knowledge of how to make a Korowai is deeply imbedded in mātauranga Māori and knowledge held by the expert weavers and makers of korowai.
Expert weaver Lucy Smith believes now is the time to share her knowledge with a landmark innovative project called Kura Korowai. The making and teaching of korowai is very sacred knowledge and the community would be very privileged to be part of Whaea Lucy’s knowledge sharing.
Kura Korowai is a Te Ao Māori kaupapa based community project. To uplift the whanau in our community by teaching the history and the making of korowai to a selected group of Dunedin Māori whanau over 10 sessions over the next 12 months.
The Māori & Pasifika Education Trust is proud to support Whaea Lucy and her Kura Korowai vision. Watch this space for more exciting developments.